Thursday, 15 September 2016

Why waste time? Use batch file rename

On an average, a normal office workday in modern day scenario involves dealing with hundreds of files. With businesses shifting the bulk of their administrative & official work to the soft World of computers, these virtual files have in effect done away with the need to have voluminous actual paper files. These official tasks though sometimes present their own set of odd issues. One of these is the issue related to mass file renaming. In a recent study conducted by one of the IT companies, it was found that the operators in big companies spend the majority of their time in tasks like these which even though necessary, are quite unproductive in nature. This however does nothing to deter the professionals who spend valuable work hours doing such tasks & the CEOs of these companies who pay dearly for them. When thousands of files have to be renamed to meet the demand at hand or their extensions have to be changed to make them compatible with the format needed, these tech guys typically shrink from the long & tiring day ahead of them.

              Not anymore though. Custom file renaming software have stepped in to take away the human sweat put into the process & have replaced this with automation in the era of automation. Frankly speaking, when you use a computer in the first place itself to save time & bring in human free work environment, why undertake tasks that turn tech wizards into menial labour. These software have the ability to deal with multiple files at the same time & give the desired result in a matter of minutes. An ideal software of this kind must also have the ability to alter the prefixes & suffixes associated with a file so that they may be able to deal with the major need of renaming files.
           Our company has come up with an innovative file rename utility in this context only. It is such a handy all shedding utility that you have to try it at least once to see what a wonderful little piece of technology it is. You can use it to select files or even folders. Then you need to select the destination folder where you want them to end up once you are done renaming them. File name property is then selected to rename the file, prefixes, separators& even give unique parameters. What is extraordinary is that you can even alter the extensions to the files selected. A custom rename option also exists to customize the process of renaming & speed it up further. Files permitted to undergo the process can be further micro managed by applying filter related to extensions. The process is then started by clicking the start button. The whole process is lightning fast & the best part is that this software runs like a charm in all the available formats of Windows & can handle any given type of file that is thrown at it.

So stop wasting time in pointless errands & feel the magic of this genius piece of computer technology.

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